Mighty March

sue griffin coventry hypnotherapist

I love March.

I probably have more reason than most, as it’s my Birthday month, but I think I would love it anyway.

March means the start of spring.

March means things are starting to grow again.

March means it’s getting warmer

March means moving forward with purpose.

The winter hibernation is nearly over, the sun’s getting stronger and so am I.

We often break the year down to seasons. March is the start of spring, a time of growth, renewal and fresh starts.

What will you grow?

What do you need to renew?

What aspect of your life needs a fresh start?

Be like the plants – start budding your ideas now so that they can grow and bear fruit later this year…

1 Comment

Filed under coaching, Development, Good News, Happy, inspiration, Mental Health, Motivation, Positivity, Psychology, Self Help

One response to “Mighty March

  1. Rekhaaa

    will start with spring cleaning both outer and inner. Happy Tuesday.


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