The Harry Potter approach to fear

spider phobia

I’m guessing most of you have seen at least some of the Harry Potter films.

If you haven’t, go and check them out immediately – they’re ace!

In one of the films the students are asked to use a spell to defeat a monster that manifests itself as the young wizard’s greatest fear. For one of them, the greatest fear they had was that of spiders.


It’s pretty common.

The way that the creature is dealt with is by using the ‘Riddikulus’ spell. You imagine it being as ridiculous as you can.

I think they’re onto something here.

Can you honestly be scared of something that you find funny?

If you’re scared of spiders, try giving it a silly name, with a funny voice. Hear it talking to you asking to be your friend. Put it in some strange outfit or think about it being drunk or scared. Play with the ideas in your imagination.

The weird thing about your subconscious (well, one of the weird things) is that it has trouble distinguishing real memories from imagined ones. If you play around with this concept often enough it starts to remember spiders as silly and funny rather than scary.

Now, isn’t that ridiculous!


Filed under coaching, Development, experiment, fun, Good News, Happy, humour, hypnosis, inspiration, lifestyle, Mental Health, Motivation, Positivity, Psychology, Self Help, Self Hypnosis

5 responses to “The Harry Potter approach to fear

  1. I love your post on a way to conquer fear. And yes, Harry Potter movies are ace!


  2. Thanks. JK is a genius 🙂


  3. FanTC

    Ick, spiders are speedy, creepy, crawly, the repulsion is real. I’ll try this!


  4. Every time I see a spider now, I break into a hysterical laugh!! I am actually convinced how drunk they are!! 😉
    Thanks!! 🙂


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