A change is as good as a rest

Sue Griffin hypnotist


I’ve had long hair for a while now, but on Wednesday I decided it had to go.

I booked an appointment at the hairdressers and today I went and had it all (well not quite ALL, but a hell of a lot of it) cut off.

It feels great.

Big changes are often scary, and I know that getting your hair cut is not that big of a deal, but I think it can be representative of how we feel about ourselves.

Quite often we change styles, cuts or colours when we move to new phases of our lives. It’s a way of saying goodbye to the old you and starting afresh.

Personally, I’ve been happy with the last phase, and I hope to be happy with the next one, but I must admit, I’m a little bit excited to see where it goes.

I was working with a client today who feels that they are stuck in a phase of their life where they don’t want to be any more. They felt that they didn’t have the strength to let go and move on.

It didn’t take long to find where the self destructive patterns of behaviour were, and with just a few tweeks and a reminder of how good her life had been before she entered this phase, she left feeling confident, optimistic, positive and enthusiastic about how she could move forward.

Those are things we can all strive to feel.






That’s how we cope.


Filed under coaching, depression, Development, experiment, Good News, Happy, Health, hypnosis, inspiration, meditation, Mental Health, Motivation, Peace, Self Help, Stress, Worrying

4 responses to “A change is as good as a rest

  1. I do agree. We can always be COPE. As to “P”, I like to tell people my life motto is the same as my blood type – B positive!


  2. I just dyed the ends of my hair dark green/teal for the exact same reason. A new haircut can be an outward sign of inner changes or it can be the kick start to making changes. I hope your next phase is full of wonderful things 🙂


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