Death or Cake?

One of my favourite comedians, the ever fabulous Eddie Izzard, once posed the question ‘death or cake?’ (if you don’t know what that refers to I strongly suggest looking it up on You Tube, you are in for a treat). But what if the question was Slim or Cake? or maybe Slim or Biscuits (or any other snack based, high fat, high sugar, low nutrition food or drink)? Isn’t that the crux of all weight issues? On one hand you say ‘I want to be slim’ and then on the other you say ‘I want cake!’ (or biscuits, chocolate, crisps, beer, wine, takeaway etc. etc.) and the other had generally wins and then puts said snack food in your mouth.

Well the first thing you need to do is to be honest with yourself. You can’t keep going around telling yourself you want to be thin and then temporarily getting selective amnesia to that fact whilst you’re stuffing food in your face. Well, you can, but you probably won’t lose any weight. If the cake is more important than being slim, that’s ok. I’m making no judgements on what you should be eating, but please, stop lying to yourself. You will just make yourself miserable.

If you decide to be honest, that can be a really good place to make a change from. Whilst we are in denial, there is no reason to change our behaviour. Once you accept that you’re making conscious choices that get you the body shape you have, You can choose differently if You want to.

That doesn’t mean you have to immediately embark on the latest diet craze or starve yourself for a month, it just means the next time someone offers you a slice of cake, the next time you see chocolate in the supermarket, the next time you think about opening that bottle of wine….you can think ‘slim or cake?’ and be honest about what it is you really want.

One of the fun things I can do as a Hypnotherapist is to help you to achieve your goals. Hypnosis can change that constant battle that runs in your mind between one thought and another – in this case, wanting to ‘be slim’ and wanting to ‘eat cake’. Using Hypnosis it is possible to get rid of the desire to ‘eat cake’ leaving you free and easy to work on being slim.

If you are in the Coventry area and would like to have a chat with me about how I could help You,

please give me a call on 07429 749936 or email me at

I look forward to talking to you.

Sue Griffin @ Talk Therapies

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